
2024 Tracking SDG7 Report
2024 Tracking SDG7 Report
2024 Tracking SDG7 Executive Summary
2024 Tracking SDG7 Executive Summary
2024 Tracking SDG7 Chapter 1 Access to Electricity
2024 Tracking SDG7 Chapter 1 Access to Electricity
2024 Tracking SDG7 Chapter 2 Access to Clean Cooking
2024 Tracking SDG7 Chapter 2 Access to Clean Cooking
2024 Tracking SDG7 Chapter 3 Renewable Energy
2024 Tracking SDG7 Chapter 3 Renewable Energy
2024 Tracking SDG7 Chapter 4 Energy Efficiency
2024 Tracking SDG7 Chapter 4 Energy Efficiency
2024 Tracking SDG7 Chapter 5 International Public Financial Flows
2024 Tracking SDG7 Chapter 5 International Public Financial Flows
2024 Tracking SDG7 Chapter 6 Outlook for SDG7
2024 Tracking SDG7 Chapter 6 Outlook for SDG7
2024 Tracking SDG7 Chapter 7 Indicators and Data
2024 Tracking SDG7 Chapter 7 Indicators and Data

Key takeaways from the 2023 report

Tracking SDG 7: The Energy Progress Report Thumbnail
Tracking SDG 7: The Energy Progress Report
SDG 7.1.1 Electrification Dataset
SDG 7.1.1 Electrification Dataset
SDG 7.1.2 Clean Fuels and Technologies for Cooking Dataset
SDG 7.1.2 Clean Fuels and Technologies for Cooking Dataset
SDG 7.2 Renewable Energy Dataset
SDG 7.2 Renewable Energy Dataset
SDG 7.3 Energy Efficiency Dataset
SDG 7.3 Energy Efficiency Dataset
7.a.1 International financial flows
SDG 7.a.1 International financial flows Dataset
SDG 7.b.1 Installed renewable energy-generating capacity dataset
SDG 7.b.1 Installed renewable energy-generating capacity Dataset
2023 Tracking SDG7 Report
2023 Tracking SDG7 Report
2018 SDG7 Tracking: The Energy Progress Report
2018 SDG7 Tracking: The Energy Progress Report
GTF Executive Summary package
Global Tracking Framework 2017

The third edition of the GTF provides an evidence-based look at progress at the regional, country, and international level toward ensuring universal access to modern energy services, doubling the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix, and doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency. The report provides an overview of long-term trends since 1990 and focuses on progress achieved in the most recent period, 2012–14.

Global Tracking Framework 2015
Global Tracking Framework 2015

The second edition of Sustainable Energy For All (SE4All) Global Tracking Framework provides an update on how fast the world moved toward sustainable energy goals between 2010 and 2012. It tracks progress toward universal access to modern energy, doubling the rate of energy efficiency improvements and doubling the share of renewable energy consumption in the global energy mix. The report also assesses whether the world is moving fast enough to achieve those goals by 2030.

Global Tracking Framework 2013
Global Tracking Framework 2013

The first SE4All Global Tracking Framework identified indicators that track progress toward the SE4All objectives of universal access to modern energy, doubling the rate of energy efficiency improvements and doubling the share of renewable energy consumption in the global energy mix. It draws on data from more than 180 countries, which account for more than 95 percent of the world's population. The report also documented the evolution of the indicators between 1990 and 2010 to provide a baseline for assessing progress in the next twenty years.
