
Results - Access to clean cooking tab 1

The Energy Progress Report measures the population with access to clean cooking fuels and technologies in each country from 2000-2022. The below chart shows the global progress for the period 2000-2022.

Results - Renewable energy share tab 1

The Energy Progress Report measures the share of renewables in the total final energy consumption for each country from 1990-2021. The below chart shows the global progress for the period 1990-2021.

Results - Energy Efficiency tab 1

The Energy Progress Report measures the national energy intensities for all countries from 1990-2021. The below chart shows the global progress for the period 1990-2021.

Results - Access to Electricity tab 1

The Energy Progress Report measures the population with access to electricity in both rural and urban areas in each country from 2000-2022. The below chart shows the global progress for the period 2000-2022.

Results - Public Investments tab 1

International financial flows represent the international public aid in support of clean and renewable energies to developing countries.

Global Results

    Results- Access to electricity tab

    The Energy Progress Report measures the population with access to electricity in both rural and urban areas in each country from 2000-2022. The below chart shows the global progress for the period 2000-2022.


    Results - Access to Clean Cooking

    The Energy Progress Report measures the population with access to clean cooking fuels and technologies in each country from 2000-2022. The below chart shows the global progress for the period 2000-2022.


    Results - Renewable energy share

    The Energy Progress Report measures the share of renewables in the total final energy consumption for each country from 1990-2021. The below chart shows the global progress for the period 1990-2021.


    Results - Energy Efficiency

    The Energy Progress Report measures the national energy intensities for all countries from 1990-2021. The below chart shows the global progress for the period 1990-2021.


    Results - Public Investments

    The Energy Progress Report measures installed renewable energy-generating capacity in developed and developing countries in watts per capita.


    Results - Renewable Capacity Per Capita

    International financial flows represent the international public aid in support of clean and renewable energies to developing countries.

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    • Country name
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    Result Worldwide

    The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of the custodian agencies concerning the legal status of or sovereignty over any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries.